Composite Fillings in West Vancouver

Composite Fillings Near You

When considering tooth fillings, your West Vancouver cosmetic dentist has a few options to offer. One of the options available is composite dental fillings which are made from durable plastics that are similar in colour to natural teeth. Because the composite dental fillings are tooth-coloured, they look more natural and are less noticeable compared to other types of fillings.

Another benefit of tooth-coloured fillings is that they are compatible with sealants, allowing your West Vancouver cosmetic dentist to perform both procedures in a single sitting and thus preventing further decay. There are other advantages to composite, tooth-coloured fillings, most importantly, its ability to bond to tooth structures. Also, in many cases, these fillings can be repaired by the addition of more composite material.

Speak with one of our doctors to find out which kind of filling is best for you.

If you live in or around West Vancouver, call to schedule an appointment, or book online today.

If you are interested in any other dental service we offer you can also contact us. Your West Vancouver cosmetic dentist can offer other cosmetic and general dentistry services as well as many other dental treatments.

We are also accepting new patients of all ages. If you, your children, or any other member of your family needs a filling, or a different kind of dental service, you can refer them to us. Our staff is eager to help our new patients in every way they can, so that they can achieve their dental goals.

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