Dental Technology in West Vancouver
Velscope Oral Cancer Screening Near You
One of the most frequent and deadly types of cancer is oral cancer. Over the past fifty years, significant progress has been made in the area of diagnosing cancerous growths in most parts of the body such as the mammary glands and the prostate, but almost no progress had been made in diagnosing oral cancer. This is significant because oral cancer is no less frequent than the previously mentioned cancers and the survival rate is an abysmal thirty percent. But help is on the way.
Effectively Detect Oral Cancer
LED Dental has developed a device that has proven extremely effective in detecting oral cancer at its beginning stages. This device is known as the VELscope Vx. The VELscope VX uses a handpiece that shines a blue light into a patient’s oral cavity. Abnormal tissue growth appears as a dark spot, with the surrounding healthy tissue appearing fluorescent.
Previously, diagnosis of oral abnormalities was done by the unassisted eye of a dental professional. While this was the most effective way of diagnosing a patient’s condition, it was grossly ineffective in detecting oral cancer at its earliest stages. Without giving every patient who came into an office a biopsy, most patients with oral cancer were not diagnosed until the later stages of the disease when treatment options were limited and the rate of survival was significantly lower. However, now with the advent of VELscope VX, that inadequate detection process is a thing of the past.
Technology For Your Oral Health
The significance of the VELscope VX can not be underestimated. For the first time, dental professionals have a tool that is able to aid in diagnosis in a way that has never been done before. That it does so in a non-invasive manner and painless manner is doubly noteworthy. And furthermore, the whole process is done within two minutes.
The World Health Organization has honored the VELscope as a medical device “which addresses global health concerns and which [is] likely to be accessible, appropriate and affordable for use in low-and- middle-income countries.”
Oral health is of the utmost importance. Being able to detect against potentially life threatening diseases such as oral cancer is the priority of every dental professional. That we now have a device that is able to do so at the earliest stages of the disease is having a tremendous impact not only on the dental community, but upon the world as well. It is time for everyone to take advantage of this life saving technology. You owe it to yourself.
Diagnocat is a specialized AI-powered tool that can help your dentist analyze your teeth and assist in treatment planning. This technology was created by dental industry clinicians with the goal of improving the diagnosis of oral conditions. This tool supports dentists with computer-aided treatment plans that lead to greater accuracy.
What Are the Benefits of Using AI Technology for Your Dental Care?
While your dentist has the relevant skills and experience to diagnose and treat a range of dental conditions, Diagnocat is a helpful tool that assists dentists in diagnosis and treatment. As a patient at West Van Dental Group, you’ll benefit from expert dentists and the extra level of support that comes from the use of AI tools in dentistry. Diagnocat AI does the following:
- Reduces the time for diagnosis.
- Provides fast and accurate reports.
- Offers improved treatment planning.
- Enhances the ability to prioritize treatment to improve outcomes.
Diagnocat generates a report so you can view the results of your dental scan while your dentist provides an assessment. These reports clearly identify the problem areas in your mouth along with possible treatment options to resolve them. Your dentist will analyze the report and make recommendations to ensure you receive the best possible treatment for your condition.
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